Why can’t I donate to specific groups of residents?
Our dormitories house residents from different nations, races and religions. If only a few specific groups of residents have access to donations, this might cause a sense of unhappiness and negativity amongst the rest who do not have access to the donations. Being isolated and confined within their rooms is already taxing on their emotional wellness, and we need to avoid actions or activities that could make minorities or individual groups feel neglected, or potentially sow discord within the community.
Why can’t I donate fresh food or fresh produce?
In order to minimise exposure to illnesses like food poisoning, we do not recommend donation of fresh food or produce. We know you will take the necessary measures to ensure freshness of donations, however there might be cross-contamination during transportation or distribution. Therefore, to reduce the risks, we will not accept fresh food and produce as donation. However, we welcome dried food donations as these can be consumed over a longer period of time.
If I have only limited quantities to donate, what can I do?
You may contact Ministry of Manpower via www.sgunited.gov.sg/donate or email Tan_Shu_Xiang@mom.gov.sg and Geraldine_Wang@Mom.gov.sg to offer your donations. If you intend to donate only to Westlite residents, do specify so in your communication to MOM. We will store limited quantity items until we have accumulated enough to be distributed to all residents.
Can I personally distribute items to the residents?
In order to safeguard both our residents as well as the public, we will not allow unauthorised entry into the dormitory premises. As such, you may deliver the items to our dormitories, but arrangements will be made to receive your donations at the outside of our dormitories’ entrance. Your understanding and cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
Can I take photos during the delivery of donations?
Our dormitory team will help you with taking and sharing photos after the delivery. If you need to use your own equipment for photo taking, please note that the images will be subject to approval of use by our Corporate Communications department, which will be advised one day after the delivery.
Can I share the donation images on my social media accounts?
Yes, you may share the approved images on your own social media accounts. However, please share the post with our Corporate Communications department team too.
Who can I contact for more information regarding donations?
You may visit www.sgunited.gov.sg/donate or email Tan_Shu_Xiang@mom.gov.sg and Geraldine_Wang@Mom.gov.sg for more information regarding donation to dormitories.